MCE Has Chosen Poland as a Country Partner

The ‘Country Partner’ project launched in the previous editions is one of the promotional activities designed by the organisation each time to promote meetings between exhibiting companies and decision-makers from some of the most attractive foreign markets.

For the next edition in March 2024, MCE – Mostra Convegno Expocomfort has chosen Poland to enhance the collaboration with a country that has always been present at MCE and that, in recent years, has recorded constant growth trends both in terms of the number of exhibiting companies and visitors.

These numbers confirm the positive momentum that also emerged in the analysis of the European market in CRESME’s ninth Forecasting and Cyclical Report on the Market of Residential and Industrial Installations for 2023-2025. The report shows vibrant and speedy growth in Eastern Europe from 2021 to 2022, with the public works sector leading the expansion. In Poland, the plant engineering industry will reach a production value of EUR 13.6 billion in 2023, a 1% increase from 2022. The sector will hold a market share of 20.8% of the construction output value.

The Polish Investment & Trade Agency, based in Milan to assist Polish entrepreneurs in the local market, improve the visibility of national brands, promote national products and services, and guide entrepreneurs towards the most effective expansion strategies, supports the Poland Partner Country MCE project.

The initiative will also benefit from the promotional activity carried out with ICE-Agency for the promotion abroad and the internationalization of Italian companies, under the auspices of MAECI, aimed at the organisation of an official delegation of selected Polish trade operators visiting MCE 2024. Thanks to its market knowledge, the ICE office in Warsaw will carry out awareness-raising activities for leading distributors, importers and designers to invite and host a panel of professionals with excellent purchasing power at MCE.

“Today, Poland confirms itself as a country of considerable strategic importance, both in the context of the EU and the dynamics of the Central and Eastern European areas. It is among the world’s most economically stable and fastest developing countries and is highly attractive regarding the number of incoming foreign direct investments. – concluded Massimiliano Pierini, Managing Director of RX Italy. – Warsaw is also very sensitive to energy issues; it is one of the leading hydrogen producers, generating 1.3 million tonnes of hydrogen annually and has excellent potential for green hydrogen production. With this in mind, an in-depth knowledge of the Polish market’s opportunities for technological innovation, living comfort and energy efficiency in the HVAC+R sector opens up a targeted approach to Eastern European customers and needs.”

Source: Reed Exhibitions Ltd.

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